Sermon Summaries

In this blog we recap the key points of messages given during KPC services


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We, God's children are meant to make beautiful music at every phase of life. The music we are called to make is deep in our hearts, though it may be inaudible initially, it must become louder and make an impact. The music God has called us to produce brings joy and smiles to men.  It's meant to change lives. it's the essence of our being.The music we are called to make is an everlasting music. Even when we transition to eternal glory, are music should live on and influence nations for generations to come. But many of us aren't producing music that is quality. No one can hear it, not even you. Why is this?


Ways music is unheard:


Parents holding back from children

Spouse hiding from home of their bone 

Children who can't look beyond parents short coming

Sibling rivalry

Workers doing the minimum. 

Church members holding back their commitment 

Christians shining to get the applause of men, but not God. 


Things that keep us unheard:


  • sin numbers 3:4
  • Shyness - Matthew 5:13; tutus 2:7;Philippians 4:5
  • Wrong information
  • Bad attitude 
  • Laziness
  • Lack of understanding
  • Lack of relationships 

Where must the music come from?How do we get the music of our lives started?

Every project 

Challenging situations 




Every interaction, phone call, etc. When you do things in a way that gives God glory, you make music that an change the world!


Make effort to ensure music is heard.  Ask yourself, what kind of music are you making? Is it solo or harmonious? Is it audible by all or  only for you? Are you enjoying your own music? Are you reproducing it or are you just a one hit wonder? 


Case study:

Consider Saul. He had the wrong heart, which was proven by his son and disobedience , wrong timing and wrong priorities. In addition he was people driven.  He got grace and anointed meant to advance him and he still chose to produce the wrong music. 

David, on the other hand, created very quality music. Let's study him. 1 Samuel 17:26 tells us that even when called into Saul's presence to work, he was still tending his fathers sheep.  He could do more than one thing as you are called to do more than one thing.  He knew who he was. He knew he was circumcised and set apart and consciousness of his identity gave him the courage he needed to condemn the Philistine and bring him to demise.  Friends, I implore you, know who you are in Christ. Live consciously of the grace you carry and use it for God's glory. He was reward conscious. Know that God sees all you do and he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. As you execute the assignments that God has entrusted to you, live consciously of your reward in Him and do your work well.  Finally, like David, be a worshipper. Abide in God's presence. Pray continuously. Repent of your sins. Worship your God with all of your heart and soul. 


KPCMedia has started in 2014 and provides blogs, video blogs and other means of getting God's word to the masses


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Guest Sunday, 16 February 2025

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