Sermon Note

The Kingdom Pathway Church

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The difference between the champion and other contestants is the little extra the champion puts into what he does. Here are a few things that require some “extra”.

1.     Extra in your preparation: What separated Esther from every other lady competing for the position of queen was the extra preparation and training she added. Don’t stop where others stop. A little more time of preparation brings mastery and excellence.


2.     Put extra oil: Oil represents the anointing and things that make life runs smoothly. The wise virgins were not considered wise because they didn’t sleep (all of them slept). Neither were they wise because they heard the wake-up call (all of them heard the call). They were wise because they have a little bit of extra oil. Always put on extra time in servicing your relationship with Christ. Ensure that you go an extra mile with God. Abram went a yonder with his son in offering an acceptable sacrifice to God (Genesis 22:5). Put on a new attitude in your worship of God and notice a great change in your life.


3.     Apply an extra push: History has it that the difference between a brave warrior and a champion is that the latter can endure a little bit longer. Life respects those who develop strength of patience. Imagine how Saul destroyed his destiny because he gave up too soon.

Finally, respect little things of life. Life is built on little things. Five loaves of bread and two fishes fed 5,000 men and countless women. Andrew almost missed it when he said, “There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?” (John 6:9)

As you move on in life, cultivate the habit of going an extra mile. It sets you above contemporaries. And consider this, if little sleep brings poverty, what do you think that little hard work and tenacity would bring?


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