Sermon Note

The Kingdom Pathway Church

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What should you do so you can see the hands of the invisible working in your life? How do you cooperate with God for your dreams to come true?

Hebrews 11:23-29, 2Corinthians 4:16-18

The following are some pertinent points worthy of note:

1.       Secure and actively engage the commitment of the invisible God for the actualization of the invisible sight.

Self-realization: You need to know who you are in the program of God on this earth. Define yourself based on the word of God. (Exodus 3:10-11)

God realization: You must have a personal encounter with God. Know God in all His might (Exodus 3:13-15)

Anointed empowerment realization: For your dreams to come through, you must know what God is working with in your life. What has God anointed in your life for special exploit? It is our responsibility to seek out what God wants to work with in our lives (Exodus 4:1-2)

Destiny relationship realization: You must seek out people that are divinely joined to your destiny and join yourself with them. Aaron was joined to Moses to help him fulfill his assignment. (Exodus 4:10-16)

2.       For the invisible to come to reality, the encounter with the Invisible God must provide you with promise or prophecy. Any vision without a promise/prophecy is subject to failure. Plant the seed of your promise and prophesy: Always look for the season to sow for the actualization of your vision.

3.    Fight the battles accompanying the reality of the invisible sight (Deuteronomy 2:24). For visions to come through, battles must be fought.  As Christians, we fight to defend our victories in Christ Jesus.

4.    Don't give up! You must develop a mindset that continues to fight if you want to realize your vision. (2Corinthians 4:16-17)

Have a working system (word of God, fellowship with His saints, worship) that renews your inner man daily.

Have a proper perspective on pain that “it is but for a moment” and it is working out an eternal process for you.

Fix your eyes on the Invisible: Focus on Jesus and the promises He has given. Look at people that have achieved what you want by the grace of God and serve/emulate them.

PRAYER: O Lord, give me the grace to see the invisible through Your eyes in Jesus name. Amen

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