Sermon Note

The Kingdom Pathway Church

Avoiding Destiny Failure

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To avoid destiny failure, we need to know and guide against causes of destiny failure. They are as follows:

·         Heart failure: The heart involves thought and intentions. (Study the examples of David's brothers in 1Samuel 16 and of Simon the sorcerer in Acts 8:20-21.) Your heart must not fail God. When your heart fails it leads to the absence of strength, integrity, and obedience. You can get away with many things but heart failure is not one of them. It is very easy to recognize and to avoid by following Proverbs 4:23 --Keep your heart with all diligence….

·         Vision failure: Understand that resources flow in the direction of vision. Lack of vision leads to a disastrous and wasteful life. (Study the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32.) You can tell vision is failing when you begin the habit of quitting, when you can't contribute to Gods program and when you habitually spend everything without saving or investing into destiny. To avoid vision failure, we must master the dynamics of vision: Vision. Mission. Passion.

·         Time failure: John 9:4 confirms that we all have been given a limited time on the earth. We must do God’s will while we have the chance. We can avoid time failure by dealing with the habit of procrastination, understanding the dynamics of time and chance, and by having a destiny pacer.

·        Money failure: to avoid money failure, understand the dynamics of money.  Money flows and you have to tap into it. Understand how to save and how to seed. Tap into the grace for saving and sowing.

·         Wisdom failure: As you move on in life, stop laboring in vain and start thinking. Move from hand to head. Start thinking. (Study Nabal’s story in 1Samuel 25, study the story of the rich fool in Luke 12:13-21, read Ecclesiastes 10:15.)  One of the causes of wisdom failure is a lack of a father figure who provokes accountability and from whom discipline and knowledge can be garnered. Another reason for wisdom failure is “soul above spirit syndrome”. Don't develop your soul (talents, feelings, etc.) at the expense of your spirit. Your spirit connects you to God. To avoid wisdom failure; have a father figure, get into the word of God.

·         Faith failure: It is the inability to use your position to change your condition. It is when you stop to solving your problems God’s way and your life lacks supernatural contributions. Consider this:  you can never run divinely-given projects on natural resources. You can only run them on spiritual resource of faith. Start putting your faith to work now! Feed your faith and starve your fear.

Assistance failure: Study the case of the lame man in John 5:7, the story of Moses, Aaron and Bezaleel in Exodus 31, and the story of the Ethiopian eunuch in acts 8: 30-31. Pride and demonic resistance cause assistance failure.  To avoid this, understand the power of divine relationship and seek for the anointing.



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