Sermon Note

The Kingdom Pathway Church

Overwhelmed by His presence (Part 2)

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When you study Genesis 28, one of the things you learn is the wisdom of recognizing the presence of God when He comes. You must regularly recognize when God comes to you and respond accordingly. When people like Moses and Joshua realized they were in holy places, they removed their shoes. One way you can respond to His presence is to change your mindset. Once you can't balance your mindset you will miss a lot.

One of the mindset that people have and which you must guide against is familiarity. Familiarity is relating with God from physical point of view. Such is telling Him you're not happy that He didn't give you a physical thing.

Familiarity with God starts with a wrong relationship with the man God sent. You can't separate your physical relationship with God from the one you have with the man He sent.  Mark 4:1-3. You have to have properly honor and value the man God sent.

Another way to perceive familiarity is when a man crosses a bridge of the Holy things of God. An example is seen in Aaron's sons who burned strange fire before the Lord. They didn't prepare properly and attempted to offer sacrifice.  My members know how I prepare before a service. Whatever it is that you do for the Lord must be well done. Ensure you prepare your mind to meet the Lord at all times.

Don't get familiar. The day you get familiar I can't tell you what will happen. Familiarity causes a breach in the spirit that activates the wrath of God. As good as electricity is, it's dangerous when you don't approach it the right way.  How many of us have enjoyed great time in shower worshiping God, treat it sacred.  You can be washing dishes and hear the voice of God. When it happens you must adjust your mind. Let your mindset be conditioned to receive divine instruction during those times. As you are driving hearing God’s voice, you can record the instruction on your phone.

Beware of familiarity in His presence. Don't let familiarity breed contempt.


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Guest Sunday, 16 February 2025

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