Sermon Summaries

In this blog we recap the key points of messages given during KPC services

Never Fight Alone!

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As a child of the Kingdom of God, you will inevitably face some major battles in life. The beauty of being a child of God is that you never have to fight alone. The devil will always want to devise a plan to keep you isolated or believing you don't have help. He will want you to come up with your own strategies for responding or feel so overwhelmed you don't fight at all. Don't ever fight battles alone when you can team up with others to fight. God has a redemptive plan for every loss that a born again man has ever experienced. Team up with the Holy Spirit to recover and defend what God has given us. Here are some do's and don'ts to help you along the way:  



Do develop a desire to...

- Know, draw near, obey God's leading- Exodus 20:18-20; Exodus 3:1-4

- Always create an atmosphere suitable for the Holy Spirit. Place yourself under a covering that makes it possible to hear Him. Ensure your spouse makes it possible for you to hear God.  

- Inquire of the Lord like Rebecca in Genesis 21-23 and David in 2 Samuel 5:19. Wait until He speaks. Learn from the likes of Saul in 1 Samuel 13:5-15.


Don't allow these common things to drown out the voice of God in your life:


- Human ntelligence

- Emotions



-Environmental factors


All these things can fight against the leading of the Holy Spirit and lead you into error. The Holy Spirit knows what is ahead and can lead you farther, safer, faster with everlasting results. 

KPCMedia has started in 2014 and provides blogs, video blogs and other means of getting God's word to the masses


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Guest Sunday, 16 February 2025

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